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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Insurance Recovery

Represented the successor to a mining company in Idaho in a lawsuit to recover insurance benefits relating to the investigation of contamination at a former mining site. A federal court ruled in favor of our client on summary judgment, finding the insurer jointly and severally liable for all defense costs incurred from the date of first notice of claim.

Insurance Recovery

Ongoing representation of several business clients on coverage matters involving properties with environmental contamination.

Insurance Recovery

Represented local port district in negotiating resolution defense and indemnity claims against client’s primary insurer, arising out of multi-site environmental cleanups, resulting in an eight-figure settlement without ever commencing litigation.

Insurance Recovery

Representing Portland-area businesses seeking coverage for business interruption losses sustained from COVID-19, including in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Insurance Recovery

Successful settlement resolution of state court insurance coverage recovery action against multiple national and international insurers for multinational manufacturer named as a potentially responsible party in the ongoing extensive Portland Harbor cleanup. As a part of that proceeding, obtained an antisuit injunction prohibiting insurers from continuing with a duplicative action brought by them in another state seeking a declaratory judgment of no coverage. Coverage was sought for the client under insurance policies of predecessor companies that had owned the client's current Portland facility within the Portland Harbor cleanup study area.

Insurance Coverage

Assisted commercial policyholders in recovering tens of millions of dollars from builder’s risk policies issued by Lloyd’s of London syndicate insurers.

Insurance Coverage

Defended multiple national insurance brokerages against malpractice claims by proving that the coverage placed was, in fact, owed to the policyholder.

Insurance Coverage

Resolved a multitude of cyber liability claims on behalf of commercial policyholders.

Insurance Coverage

Obtained millions of dollars of indemnity from EPL, MGL, CGL and E&O carriers on behalf of non-profit and for-profit organizations caught up in long-tail abuse/molestation litigation.
