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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Intellectual Property Advocacy

Reviewed dispute and overcame competitor demand, enabling client brewery to continue use of challenged trademark.

Commercial Litigation

Represented hotel in asserting breach of contract and related claims against former owner of the hotel and construction company that built the hotel, as well as insurance claims against the hotel’s insurer for improper denial of claim and bad faith.

Tags Litigation
Business & Corporate

Negotiated and drafted marketing agreement for early stage innovative food product manufacturer.

Fuel Tax Compacts

Negotiated tribal fuel tax compacts between Washington tribes and the State of Washington.

Expert Witness

Expert witness in three cases involving disputes over trademark law, practice, and policy.

Collective Bargaining

Served as chief spokesperson in the public and private sectors. In the private sector, handled negotiations for employers in wood products, paper products, rubber, transportation and delivery, and construction. Represented cities, counties, and special districts, in bargaining agreements for general wall-to-wall units and fire, police, parole and probation officers, 9-1-1 operators, and juvenile detention workers.


Successful representation in six-month trial arising from allegations of toxic building materials brought by 36 plaintiffs, resulting in a hung jury followed by a directed verdict in favor of our client.

Commercial Litigation

Successfully defended a national company in a bench trial victory via a motion for directed verdict.

Tags Litigation
Business & Corporate

Negotiated third-party self-storage management agreement.
