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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases

Represented company having a motherboard architecture that expands and increases the speed of memory access, supporting the client from initial patent filings through the company’s acquisition.

Environmental Litigation

Obtained summary judgment dismissing client from CERCLA Section 113 contribution claim by establishing that cross-claimant failed to extinguish clients’ potential liability as required by section 4(b) of the Uniform Comparative Fault Act.

Catastrophic Injury Litigation

Favorable resolution of claims alleging sexual abuse of student.

Unreported Appellate Decisions

Sound Transit v. Coco’s, 2004 WL 1203855 (Eminent domain compensation, business damages)

Appellate—State Court Appeals

In Re American Eagle Mortgage 100, LLC et al, Case No. 58822-6-II: Represent appellee receiver in defending challenge to bar order.

Environmental & Natural Resources

Represented clients in matters involving various topics of environmental law, including CERCLA, RCRA and the Porter-Cologne and Hazardous Substance Account Act.

ADA Defense

As part of her ADA work, she advises businesses on ways to reduce the likelihood of ADA claims, engage in remediation, and facilitate cost-effective dispute resolution.


Building and coordinating a portfolio of adhesives.

Business Litigation

Obtained summary judgment awarding client more than $1.4 million in damages in addition to court-ordered fees, costs, and sanctions of more than $100,000, in breach of contract and de-branding dispute against former gasoline station franchisee and business interference claims against unauthorized assignee.
