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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases

Choice-of-entity and formation issues, set up new business entities, review and update existing-entity documents, and dissolve entities, including corporations, S corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, and nonprofit corporations.

Employment Law

Obtained summary judgment for employer in workers’ compensation discrimination/failure-to-reinstate case.

Leasing Matters

Regularly represent public school district on leases, including:

  • Long-term ground lease to the City of Portland and a nonprofit for development of former elementary school site with affordable housing.
  • Long-term lease of former elementary school to neighboring school district for redevelopment as a high school.
  • Long-term lease to a university of approximately one-third of a newly constructed elementary school to be used for teacher education.

    Defend software as a service (SaaS) provider in trademark infringement litigation resulting in a successful resolution through mediation.

    Cafeteria Plans

    Assists plan sponsors with their cafeteria plans and component benefit programs, including assisting with health FSA, DCAP, and HSA components.

    Executive Compensation

    Assisted client in developing an equity incentive plan for its employees. The plan provides for the possibility of many types of awards, including incentive stock options, nonqualified stock options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, stock units, and performance awards.

    Unreported Appellate Decisions

    Squirrels Nest v. Fisher Broadcasting, 2011 WL 1459822 (Real property quiet title)

    Tags Appellate
    Complex Business Disputes

    Represented apparel maker in consumer class action lawsuit alleging violations of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act.


    Review, draft, and negotiate general business agreements for clients, including lease agreements, photocopier service agreements, food-service agreements, promissory notes and trust deeds, releases, shareholder agreements, partnership and limited liability company agreements, listing agreements, option agreements, rights of first refusal and first offer, asset purchase agreements, easements, license agreements, and service agreements.
