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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Affordable Housing

Assisted for-profit client in developing suburban transit-oriented affordable housing complex. Gave advice with respect to structuring the multiple sources of state and local financing. Assisted in negotiations regarding and documentation of bank financing and investment by equity investor.

Tags Tax
Appellate—State Court Appeals

Washington State Department of Revenue v. F.D.I.C., Case No. 71524-1-I (2015). Represented respondent F.D.I.C. (on the briefs, but did not argue the case).

Trials & Arbitration

Successfully tried a condemnation bench trial over the taking of an auto dealership to allow the local transit authority to construct and operate its light rail project after having successfully defeated a motion for summary judgment to expand claimed damages by more than $10 million and precluding an award of fees or costs to the owner.

Construction Disputes

Arbitrator of significant differing site conditions and defect claims on public improvement project as panel chair, which involved a bifurcated hearing with preliminary findings and final award.

Trusts and Estates Litigation

Represented individual beneficiary on numerous claims of breach of fiduciary duty against family-member trustees relating to mismanagement of trust assets, including limited liability companies owned in part by family trusts and holding millions of dollars in commercial real estate; obtained favorable post-trial settlement; successful defense of counterclaims including attempted invocation of no-contest clause.

Cannabis Business Projects

Advised clients on whether cannabis business met local zoning regulations.

Tags Land UseCannabis

Worked on a geothermal exploration lease for the landlord leasing to the company developing the geothermal facilities.

Banking & Financial Institutions

Represented banks throughout the western United States in various mergers and acquisitions (including both acquiring banks and acquired banks), including organizations with branches and operations throughout Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and California.

Appellate—State Court Appeals

Alexander v. Sanford, 181 Wn. App. 135, 325 P.3d 341 (2014), petition for review granted, but dismissed by stipulation. Represented respondents Sanford, et al. This case involved a variety of issues arising out of claims against the board members of a condominium association.
