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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Privacy and Data Security

Assisted clients in a broad range of industries—from education to financial services to health care--analyze applicability of privacy laws and design compliance framework.

    Real Estate

    Represented secured creditor in quiet title action seeking to secure property for sale after prior owner asserted right, title, and interest in real property after foreclosure. Obtained multiple file judgments affirming ownership interest and permanently enjoining prior owner from asserting ownership interest in prior property.

    Government Investigations

    Represented a multinational pharmaceutical company in DOJ and SEC investigations of alleged FCPA violations in numerous countries.

    Real Estate

    Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Represented clients in changes to zoning and comprehensive plan amendments, including advocating for property to be included in urban growth area.

    Real Estate Transactions

    Assist landlord client with all aspects of ownership and leasing of regional mall.

    Appellate—Federal Court Appeals

    Western Mortgage & Realty Co. v. KeyBank National Association, Case No. 15-35821 (9th Cir. 2017). Represented defendants-appellees in appeal involving borrowers claims of breach of contract, fraud and misrepresentation. Ninth Circuit affirmed dismissal of claims and awarded fees.

    Mergers & Acquisitions

    Assisted Pacific Financial Corporation in its acquisition of BNW Bancorp, Inc., in exchange for SEC-registered common stock valued at $21 million.

    Privacy and Data Security

    Drafted disclosures for new initiatives, including for text message marketing campaigns and for the use of novel technologies that capture customer data or employee data.

      Other Commercial Litigation

      Represented manufacturer in trademark infringement lawsuit seeking to prevent former distributor from infringing on manufacturer’s marks. Successfully obtained agreement from former distributor to prevent use of manufacturer’s marks.

      Tags Litigation
