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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases

Defended retail cannabis location in dispute with landlord over option agreement for sale of interest in cannabis location. Obtained dismissal of claims at pleading stage.

Tags Cannabis
Complex Business Disputes

Lead attorney representing public school districts in disputes with construction contractors over payment of the Oregon Corporate Activity Tax. Obtained jury verdict in favor of school district on breach of contract claim following a five-day jury trial.

Land Use Appeals—Judicial

Habitat Watch v. Skagit County. The Washington Supreme Court ruled that an environmental group’s challenge to golf course project was untimely under the Land Use Petition Act. The court found that not only did the environmental group not file an appeal in time after learning the project was going forward, but that filing a motion for reconsideration with the county, instead of court, was the wrong venue in which to challenge the permit.

Tags Land Use
Education—Advice & Compliance Issues

Assisted private university in planning for potential salary reductions or layoffs of tenured and tenure-track faculty in response to budget crisis.

General Commercial Litigation

Represented automotive warranty company in dispute with ex-employee.


Court Sanctions on Adverse Party. Obtained rare terminating sanction against opposing-party plaintiff for violation of discovery rules. Opposing party was also ordered to pay substantial portion of client’s fees.

Tags Litigation
Employment Litigation

Favorably resolved former employee’s claims against public university that alleged discrimination based on race and gender as well as violations of the Oregon Equal Pay Act.


Represented many retail and producer-processor cannabis licensees in actions brought by Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board before the Office of Administrative Hearings in defense of administrative notices of violation relating to matters including traceability violations, testing violations, misrepresentation violations, true-party-in-interest violations, and pesticide violations.

Tags AppellateCannabis
Complex Business Disputes

Defending financial services organization against claims from creditor of Concordia University Portland.
