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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Land Use

Land Use Permitting. Obtained conditional use, design review, partition, property-line adjustment, variance, and other land use approvals to meet client goals for development projects and expanded use of land.


Review and draft required and voluntary reports for public companies, including disclosures on Form 8-K, Form 10-K and transaction-related disclosures.

Tags Securities

Represented franchisor in federal court action to terminate franchise and recover damages from breaching franchisee. Obtained dismissal on summary judgment of franchisee’s statutory and common law counterclaims, and successfully prevailed on termination claims at trial.

Land Use

Shoreline Permitting. Successfully challenged the designation of Mill Pond as a regulated water body under the Shoreline Management Act before the Shoreline Hearings Board in Camaslakeland, LLC v. the Department of Ecology. Assisted other clients in obtaining shoreline permits or challenging conditions attached to shoreline permits.

Tags Land Use
Education—Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Represented private college in lawsuits alleging responsibility for sexual abuse by former member of affiliated entity, resulting in settlements on favorable terms and dismissal of client prior to trial.

General Commercial Litigation

Represent lender and shareholders in seeking to recover investments in and loans to a failed cannabis company.

Land Use

Local and Administrative Land Use Appeals. Represented public and private parties in appeals before local hearings officers, elected officials, and the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA).


Prepare legal opinions for Rule 144 restricted stock sales.

Tags Securities

Represented franchisor in arbitration bringing claims against franchisee for wrongful termination of franchise agreement. Obtained final judgment against franchisee awarding damages and lost profits.
