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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Construction Litigation—Private Projects

Represented commercial tenant in pursuing indemnity claims against owner and others arising out of crane collapse at project.


After five years, before the state of Washington federal district court and two trips to the 9th Circuit, successfully obtained an order of civil contempt after trial, a $2.55 million (public) contempt settlement, and a permanent Injunction for Japanese clients based on several international maritime treaties in order to ensure safety at sea as a result of defendants' annual direct action campaigns in the Antarctic Southern Ocean against Japanese fleet. 9th Circuit decisions reported at 774 F.3d 935, 588 Fed. Appx. 701, 702 F.3d 573, 725 F.3d 940, and 708 F.3d 1099. Institute of Cetacean Research and Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd. vs. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Paul Watson, United States District Court, Western District of Washington at Seattle, Case No. C11-2043JLR, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, No. 12-35266.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Represented fitness studio franchisor in acquisition of competing franchise system.

Contracting & Procurement

Advised clients on the required procurement procedures under the Oregon Public Contracting Code and the Office of Management and Budget Uniform Guidance.

Employment Advice & Counseling

Advised Canadian company on expansion into Washington state, including assisting with hiring issues and drafting agreements for initial employees

Right of Way/Eminent Domain

Represented local transit authority in condemnation trial for light rail expansion project. Property owner argued just compensation of more than $505,000. Court awarded just compensation of $283,000. No fees or costs were awarded to property owner. (Bench Trial)

Construction Litigation—Private Projects

Represented materials supplier on a hospital construction project in defending against defect claims while pursuing payment claims.


Obtained defense verdict in federal district court and 9th Circuit of admiralty collision case on basis of Act of God where similarly situated blue water bulk carriers were held liable for significant property damage to Columbia River docks and manufacturing facilities, reported as Weyerhauser v. ATROPOS ISLAND, 777 F2d 1344.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Assisted composites company in sale of its subsidiary for $35 million.
