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From the Ground Up

Your legal source for construction, real estate, environmental, and development news

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Impact Fees at the Supreme Court: How Far Must Government Go to Justify the Fees on a Case-by-Case Basis?
On January 9th of this year, the United States Supreme Court heard oral argument in Sheetz v. El Dorado County on an important issue related to impact fees imposed on development. Under existing law, if government requires an owner to pay a fee in ex...
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What Happened to Executive Order 14042? An Update on President Biden’s Contractor Vaccine Mandate
On September 9, 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order (EO) 14042, which required parties contracting with the federal government to comply with certain COVID-19 safeguards as prescribed by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force. These safeguar...
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Big Changes May Be Coming to Davis-Bacon
The Davis-Bacon Act and the Davis-Bacon Related Acts (the “Acts”), and their corresponding rules circulated by the Department of Labor (DOL), propose the rules for the administration and enforcement of the Acts’ labor standards, which apply to federa...
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Construction Industry Groups Voice Frustration Over President Biden’s Pro-Labor Executive Order
Following recent attempts to secure his legacy as one of the most pro-labor presidents in U.S. history, President Biden now faces staunch opposition from construction industry trade associations who argue that his executive actions discriminate again...
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What the Infrastructure Bill Means for Transportation, Construction, and Real Estate in the Northwest
The much anticipated trillion-dollar federal infrastructure bill has now been signed by President Biden. Under the bill, Washington and Oregon are projected to receive billions in funds: Washington: $228 million for Seattle-Tacoma International Air...
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Washington Supreme Court Provides First Guidance on CDC Eviction Moratorium Days Before the Emergency Measure is Set to Expire
Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, scant interpretive guidance has been provided to help businesses, individuals, and attorneys to navigate the various emergency orders and moratoriums concerning evictions in Washington. On July 22, just over...
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