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IP & Technology Law Trends

Legal insights into intellectual property & technology trends

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And Away We Go…UK Information Commissioner’s Office Issues First Formal Notice Under the GDPR
Since the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect, we have been anxiously awaiting enforcement activities that would indicate regulator priorities. The waiting is over. It was recently reported that the UK Information Commissi...
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U. S. Supreme Court Will Decide What It Means to “Register” a Copyright
In this 2018-19 term, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments on an issue that has long divided copyright attorneys and the courts that hear their cases. Under the Copyright Law, Section 411(a), a copyright owner may not bring an infringe...
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Copyright Office Red Cards UEFA Trophy Application
Last month, the Copyright Office’s Review Board denied for the second time the application of the Union des Associations Européennes de Football (UEFA) for copyright registration in UEFA’s EURO Trophy. The Trophy is shown below: According to the...
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California Enacts First Law Regulating Internet Of Things Devices
\California has enacted the nation’s first law regulating Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on September 28, 2018. IoT refers to the rapidly-expanding world of internet-connected objects such as home security...
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Massachusetts Court Holds DTSA Does Not Apply to the Government
As we’ve discussed here before, there is tension and confusion at the intersection of trade secrets law and public contracting/public disclosure law. Contractors dealing with public entities need to be especially alert to the danger of their confiden...
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Changes to NAFTA’s Intellectual Property Provisions in the USMCA
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was announced on October 1, 2018, representing a step forward towards a replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which President Trump sought to begin renegotiating shortly aft...
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