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IP & Technology Law Trends

Legal insights into intellectual property & technology trends

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Stop Price Gouging Using Trademark Law? 3M Says Yes and Court Agrees
In early April, 3M filed a lawsuit against Performance Supply LLC of New Jersey for violating trademark law because they were reselling N95 masks they had purchased from 3M at more than a 500% markup (3M Co. v. Performance Supply LLC, SDNY No. 1:20-c...
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An Important Option to Consider for Filing Patent Applications in the COVID-19 Era
We may be living in uncertain times right now but that does not mean the end of technological innovations. In fact, many individuals, companies, and even entire industries are innovating more than ever now—intentionally or not—as they strive to adapt...
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Case Update on 3M Co. v. Performance Supply
As an update to our earlier blog post, Judge Preska asked the defendant Performance Supply why she should not make the temporary restraining order permanent and ordered them to appear before her in person on May 4, 2020. They failed to show up, and t...
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How the USPTO is Responding to the Coronavirus Outbreak
There is seemingly no aspect of our lives untouched by the coronavirus outbreak and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is no exception. While the examination of trademark and patent applications seems to be proceeding relatively no...
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How Patent Offices Outside the United States Are Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic
It has been more than two weeks since the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued a formal response to the COVID-19 pandemic announcing that certain petition fees could be waived for patent applicants who are personally impacted by the novel...
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USPTO and Copyright Office Announce Extensions to Deadlines Under the CARES Act
As an update to our earlier post regarding deadlines and operation of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) during the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the USPTO under the authority of the CARES Act announced extensions to the time allowed...
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