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From the Ground Up

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Get Trained on New Requirements for Bidding on Public Works Contracts
Washington’s “responsible bidder” law already imposes significant requirements on contractors bidding on public works contracts: for instance, bidders must obtain certain types of industrial insurance, maintain records of wages and components used in...
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Washington Supreme Court Upholds Strict Interpretation of Contractual Notice Provisions: Failure to Immediately Give Notice of Claim a Complete Bar to Recovery
Nova, a public works contractor, filed a claim for breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, based entirely on the City's untimely and repeated rejection of submittals to perform culvert work in Olympia. The Supreme Court held that the c...
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Are State and Local Regulations Making the Portland Housing Affordability Crisis Worse?
Feb 08, 2018
Is the Portland area's regional housing crisis being made better or worse by state and local land use regulations? Gerald Mildner, Ph.D, an associate professor of real estate and finance at Portland State University, and the academic director of the...
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Oregon Construction Contractors Board Newsletter
The Oregon Construction Contractors Board's February 2018 newsletter offers information on upcoming education opportunities for licensed contractors. Topics include getting certified to win government contracts, Spanish fall hazard awareness, and OSH...
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New Public-Private Partnership Authority Available for Ports
Apr 05, 2018
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On March 22, 2018, Governor Inslee signed HB 2664, which gives port districts new authority to enter into public-private partnerships (“P3s”) to develop telecommunications services and infrastructure. Such P3 arrangements are an increasingly popular...
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Tara O'Hanlon Published in The Contractor's Compass: How to Minimize Risks for Successful BIM-Powered Projects
Apr 09, 2018
Tara O’Hanlon, Miller Nash Graham & Dunn construction attorney, was recently published in The Contractor’s Compass, the official educational journal of the American Subcontractors Association. In her article, “How to Minimize Risks for Successful...
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