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$55M to COVID-19-Impacted Tenants for Rent Relief
Jun 22, 2020
On Friday, June 5, a bipartisan committee of the Oregon Legislature unanimously made a series of decisions about how to spend $247 million in federal coronavirus relief as part of the CARES Act.
The largest single element of the package is $55 millio...
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CARES Act Provides Relief for Federally Backed Property Loans and Renters
Mar 26, 2020
On March 25, 2020, the Senate passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) to address the COVID-19 emergency. Although the CARES Act is still subject to final approval by the House of Representatives and being signed by...
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Strategies for Commercial Landlords to Manage Tenants in COVID-19 Distress
On Monday, the Seattle City Council passed Resolution 31940 calling on Governor Jay Inslee, federal legislators, and the Trump administration to impose an immediate moratorium on residential and commercial rent and mortgage payments. This resolution...
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EPA and States Issue Temporary Policies: Air and Water Permit Compliance During COVID-19
Apr 01, 2020
In light of the COVID-19 crisis, federal and state environmental agencies have issued temporary policies that affect regulated entities. This blog post is intended to help summarize these guidelines and highlights pertinent questions.
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Oregon Imposes Statewide Moratorium on Commercial Evictions
In a recent post discussing strategies for commercial landlords to manage requests for rent relief during the COVID-19 pandemic, we highlighted the Seattle City Council’s resolution urging state and federal legislators to impose an immediate moratori...
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COVID-19: Modifications to Loans May Have Unintended Tax Consequences
As we previously discussed, on March 22, 2020, federal banking regulators published the Interagency Guidance ("the Guidance") to encourage lenders to, among other things, enter into short-term loan modifications (if prudent and appropriate) with borr...
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