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IP & Technology Law Trends

Legal insights into intellectual property & technology trends

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Washington State Legislature Passes Bill With Major Revisions to Data Breach Notification Statute
Shortly after the proposed Washington Privacy Act (SB 5367) failed to pass the legislature, Washington is now set to revise its existing data breach law. HB 1071, which passed the legislature on April 22, 2019 and is awaiting the Governor’s signature...
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California Enacts First Law Regulating Internet Of Things Devices
\California has enacted the nation’s first law regulating Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on September 28, 2018. IoT refers to the rapidly-expanding world of internet-connected objects such as home security...
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FBI Calls Out Data Privacy and Security Risks with Educational Technology
Educational technology (“EdTech”) such as unified communications programs, educational software, and networked devices has become an integral part of education due to its ability to help educators, students, and institutions manage information, provi...
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The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Effective May 25, 2018, Will Impact Many United States Businesses
Who: United States businesses that process (i.e., collect, store, or transmit) the personal information of EU residents in connection with offering goods or services in the EU (online or otherwise) are subject to the GDPR, regardless of whether the b...
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What’s in Your Privacy Policy? New Oregon Law Requires Accuracy
On May 25, 2017, Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed into law H.B. 2090. This new law will make materially inaccurate claims related to the collection, use, disclosure, maintenance, and disposal of consumer data an unlawful trade practice subject to en...
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It’s Tax Fraud Season: Take Action Today to Avoid This Common Data Breach Scenario
Last year, many businesses suffered data breaches during tax season when their employees divulged other employees’ W-2 information (including Social Security numbers) to criminals. Sadly, we are starting to receive reports that the criminals are back...
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