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COVID-19 Resource Center

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CARES Act Impacts Employer Retirement Plans
For a printable PDF version of this article, please click here. On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act ("CARES Act"). The CARES Act contains a number of provisions that affect employer-provid...
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It’s Not Nice to Pay an Invoice Twice: Payment Demands During COVID-19 by Assignees of Accounts Under UCC Section 9-406
For a printable PDF version of this article, please click here. The mail room just received a piece of unregistered first-class mail from a company you don’t recognize. The letter floats around the office for a couple of days before landing on the d...
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CARES Act: Loan Assistance for Small Businesses
For a printable PDF version of this article, please click here. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act includes a number of loan access, deferment, and forgiveness provisions of interest to small businesses (which, for purpos...
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COVID-19 Stimulus Package Provides Grants for Shuttered Entertainment Industry Venues and Businesses
Dec 28, 2020
On December 27, 2020, the $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief stimulus package was signed into law, providing a wide range of benefits, grants, and payments for various businesses and individuals. While significant attention has been given to direct pay...
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Coronavirus: Workplace Concerns
Feb 18, 2020
For a printable PDF version of this article, please click here. The World Health Organization has declared the new Coronavirus, recently named COVID 19, a global health emergency. What does this mean for U.S. employers? The federal Occupational Saf...
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COVID-19 Preparedness for Employers
Miller Nash Graham & Dunn has prepared the following checklist of issues for employers to consider in responding to COVID-19 (“CV”). This is a rapidly evolving situation, and your business should regularly check the Oregon Health Authority,&nbsp...
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