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IP & Technology Law Trends

Legal insights into intellectual property & technology trends

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Another Stumble for AI in the Copyright Office
The topic of copyright registration for AI-generated works has been popular on this blog, with posts from my colleagues you can find here, here, and here. Today, we bring another update—but still, not a clear answer. The United States Copyright Off...
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Man v. AI Machine: The Continuing Paradise Saga
We recently wrote about Dr. Stephen Thaler’s challenge to the Copyright Office’s refusal to register copyright in “A Recent Entrance to Paradise,” in which he has asked a federal appellate court to grant him summary judgment on both copyrightabi...
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Paradise Denied: Copyright (Or Not) In AI-Generated Images
“A Recent Entrance to Paradise,” generated by an AI system created by Dr. Stephen Thaler. The U.S. Constitution provides the basis for copyright protection “by securing for limited times to authors . . . the exclusive right to their respective writi...
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Machine Learning Is Not Your Copilot: AI System Accused of Violating Open Source Copyright Licenses
As previously reported in this space, the Court of Appeal for the Federal Circuit has ruled that an AI machine cannot be an inventor because it is not a “natural person.” You can read those posts here and here. Issues regarding AI and intellectual pr...
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CAFC Confirms That Artificial Intelligence Cannot Be an Inventor
About a year ago, we reported on a case out of the Eastern District of Virginia. Stephen Thaler had appealed a decision by the USPTO refusing to recognize an AI machine he created as a person. Judge Brinkema of the Eastern District ruled that only a...
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Federal Judge Rules That AI Is Not a ‘Person’ and Cannot Be an Inventor in the U.S.
A big debate occurring in the patent community revolves around whether a patent application can name artificial intelligence (AI) as an inventor. This reached such a level that the USPTO requested comments on the topic, as we covered here before. Las...
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