Five Miller Nash Graham & Dunn Attorneys Appointed to Serve on Multnomah Bar Association Committees



Miller Nash Graham & Dunn is proud to announce that five of its attorneys have been selected to serve three-year terms on various Multnomah Bar Association (MBA) committees.

  • Cody Elliott has been appointed to serve on the MBA Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Committee. The CLE Committee coordinates over 40 CLE seminars per year, geared toward members’ dominant areas of practice, including popular annual CLE programs such as the Presiding Court Update and Probate Update. Elliott previously served on the MBA Membership Committee for three years, and chaired it in his final year. 
  • Tony Kullen and Jeanne Sinnott have been appointed to serve on the MBA Events Committee, which is responsible for coordinating social and networking events, including fundraising events. 
  • Seth Row has been appointed to serve on the MBA Equality & Diversity Committee, whose mission is fostering and expanding diversity, inclusion and equality in the MBA and Multnomah County legal community. Row has served on MBA committees for three years, and was most recently the past chair of the MBA CLE Committee.
  • Bruce Rubin has been appointed to serve on the MBA Professionalism Committee, whose mission is to promote principles of professionalism within the MBA. This committee works with the MBA Young Lawyers Section and staff on the MBA Mentor Program, administers the MBA Professionalism Award Nomination & Selection Process and writes the "Corner Office" column for the Multnomah Lawyer. The committee also works to increase members’ formal commitment to providing pro bono legal representation for those who are in need.

For over 100 years, the MBA has provided a forum for lawyers to gather together for collegiality, to improve the justice system, to provide law-related community service and to access services that benefit the profession.

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