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CARES Act Creates Potential Employer Incentives to Maintain Payroll
For a printable PDF version of this article, please click here. Employer obligations and opportunities under federal law continue to rapidly evolve. The stimulus bill (the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the "CARES Act")), i...
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Happy Paid Leave Eve: Some Common Questions and Observations About Washington’s New Paid Family and Medical Leave to Help Employers Prepare for Compliance
Dec 30, 2019
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It is the eve of Washington’s new Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) law going into full effect. While many of us think of January 1 as the day we start new diets, commit to new habits, build our vision boards, take our annual polar bear plunge, or...
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Addressing Employee Harassment Complaints
Dec 05, 2019
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We occasionally field urgent calls from worried school leaders confronted with allegations from one of their staff about perceived “harassment” or a “hostile work environment.” These situations present an understandably tense and thorny situation: th...
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Washington State's New Military Family Leave Act (MFLA)
Mar 20, 2008
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On March 19, 2008, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire signed into law the Military Family Leave Act (MFLA). This new state law provides unpaid leave for spouses of military personnel who are notified of active deployment, or who are notified of l...
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