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Today in Tax: Qualified Small Business Stock, Opportunity Zones, Information Reporting for Digital Assets
A brief commentary on the past week’s cases, rulings, notices, and related federal tax guidance.
Medical Software Deemed a Qualifying Trade for Qualified Small Business Stock Gain Exclusion
When certain criteria are met, stockholders may be able to...
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When Worlds Collide: How Tangible Tax Burdens Attach to Digital Commerce in the United States (Part 2)
Part 1 of this series discussed the proposals adopted by various countries to impose taxes on the digital economy, particularly by taxing various types of digital advertising and other digital services. These taxes allow countries to re...
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IRS Issues (and Seeks Comments on) Standards for Qualifying an LLC as a 501(c)(3) Entity
Traditionally, an entity applying for tax exempt status under Code Section 501(c)(3) will be a corporation. With the rise in popularity of the LLC over the last 25 years, it’s a wonder that LLCs are not used more frequently to apply for federal tax e...
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When Worlds Collide: How Tangible Tax Burdens Attach to Digital Commerce across the Globe (Part 1)
The world is at a crossroads. The early 1990’s saw the internet opening to the general public, followed shortly thereafter by online sales platforms (Book Stacks Unlimited—1992,—1994, and eBay—1995), and social media platforms in the 2000’...
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Today in Tax: Spin-offs, Tax Elections, and Subpart F
Taxpayers Not Allowed to Revoke Tax Elections Based on Later Change in Regulation
Regulations frequently change as Congress adopts new policies and the IRS issues new or revised regulations implementing those policy changes. Tax elections based on e...
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The Magic of Provisional Process
In an economy in which the trial attorney's triumphs are often foiled by an insolvent judgment debtor, prior secured creditors, and bankruptcy, we should all keep in mind the advantages that may be offered to our clients by prejudgment relief in the...
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