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Minimum Wage Rises to $15 in Seattle and $11 in Washington on January 1, 2017
Dec 08, 2016
Employers in Washington, Seattle, and other municipalities face increases in the applicable minimum wage on January 1, 2017:  $11 in most of Washington and from $13 to $15 in Seattle, depending on whether the employer has 500 employees...
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M&A, Where Art Thou?
Nov 17, 2016
The Election and Its Aftermath Following last week’s historic presidential election, the stock market surprisingly acted very favorably to bank stocks, sending many soaring to 52-week highs. So what does this mean for banks and M&A in the months...
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The Three Keys to Successful Business Succession Planning
Oct 17, 2016
As baby boomers approach retirement age, the question begs to be asked: What happens to the businesses they own and operate? Studies suggest that as many as two-thirds of all small and midsize businesses are owned by boomers who plan to exit their co...
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Cross-Border Estate Planning for Canadians Residing in the United States
Oct 17, 2016
Introduction Few countries enjoy the close, friendly relationship enjoyed by Canada and the United States. We seem so alike that Canadians often move to the United States to work, play, and invest, but often without giving a second thought to the inc...
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The Basics of Charitable Remainder Trusts—Part Two
Oct 17, 2016
This article is the second piece of a two-part installment on Charitable Remainder Trusts (“CRTs”). Click here to read the first article in this series. CRTs are irrevocable, split-interest trusts that are ideal for certain philanthropic clients, and...
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Blog Post: Washington State Sets Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction Requirements for Major Sources
Sep 15, 2016
Today the Washington State Department of Ecology adopted a new rule to limit carbon dioxide emissions from major sources. Read full blog post here.
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