Client Collaborations
All Representative Cases
Downs v. Waremart, Inc. The Oregon Supreme Court affirmed summary judgment on behalf of our client, the employer, on all claims except for defamation (an issue of first impression), which was resolved by settlement on remand. The case was brought by a discharged employee who sought damages for a variety of claims arising from her discharge, including defamation.
Represented early investor/employee of cannabis processing business in negotiated resolution of claim for stock initially denied to employee due to mischaracterization of status of employee in plan of merger.
Represented general contractor involving subcontractor’s violation of Davis-Bacon Act. Counseled client through Department of Labor process and had the subcontractor’s lien for retention dismissed after administrative law judge found subcontractor violated Davis-Bacon Act.
Assists plan sponsors with navigating through the numerous federal laws that apply to their group health plans, including the Affordable Care Act, ERISA, Medicare Part D, COBRA, HIPAA portability and privacy, USERRA, and mental health parity, as well as satisfying Internal Revenue Code nondiscrimination rules applicable to self-insured health plans.
Assisted publicly traded client with acquisition of a privately held company by merger, including tax-related diligence, negotiating employment and severance agreements, and issuing tax opinions.
Sound Transit v. WR-SRI, 191 Wn.2d 223 (2018) (Eminent domain authority)
Successfully enforced trademark rights in trademark infringement lawsuit.
Successfully represented university in tenure hearing regarding a professor’s just dismissal after allegations of bullying and harassment. The decision, first issued by the university committee, was then appealed to the university’s Board of Trustees, and then upheld by the circuit court.
Howard v. Waremart, Inc. After a five-day trial, the jury returned a verdict “in favor” of the plaintiff for only $2. This case involved a wrongful-discharge allegation and “whistleblower” claim brought by a former employee against our client. The court of appeals remanded the case for further proceedings because it disagreed with the trial court’s decision to grant a motion for directed verdict on the issue of punitive damages. The case then settled.