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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Commercial Litigation

Represents tribal entity in multi-million dollar lawsuit in tribal court filed against insurers for failure to pay COVID-19 business interruption insurance.

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In partnership with the ACLU of Washington, challenging the Department of Licensing’s practice of suspending driver’s licenses for failure to appear or pay traffic violations. (Ongoing)

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Business Litigation

Van De Hey v. U.S. National Bank of Oregon. We prevailed in each of two separate state court proceedings, including two rounds in the Oregon Court of Appeals and in the Oregon Supreme Court, as well as in a separate action filed by plaintiffs in federal court. This series of cases was brought by trustees of various employee benefit trusts and alleged violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

Tags Litigation

Represented yacht owner in arbitration of claims for multiple defects in construction of yacht and resulted in successful arbitration award against successive owners of yacht manufacturer and individual owner for full amounts claimed, plus all costs, expenses, and attorney fees.

Tags Litigation
Mergers & Acquisitions

Represented warranty company in transaction involving sale of majority equity stake. Transaction involved strategizing and successfully executing F reorganization of company prior to sale.

Civil Rights & Student Litigation

Dismissal of federal court respondent Title IX litigation with claims of violations of Title IX, substantive and procedural due process, and breach of contract.

Tags Education
Construction Litigation

Guided healthcare system through forensic research, repair contracting, preservation of evidence, forensic expert reports, negotiations, and arbitration proceedings for damage claims against the general contractor and subcontractors that improperly performed exterior envelope, plumbing, electrical, and roof work to construct a new hospital for behavioral health patients and required specialty facilities. The entire exterior envelope had to be removed and replaced, together with removal and re-installation of all windows, while the hospital was occupied. Prepared, documented, and asserted claims to recover the owner’s damages after repairs were complete. Achieved a successful, multimillion dollar recovery of a substantial majority of the owner’s losses following extensive discovery, depositions, arbitration proceedings, and mediation.

Business Litigation

ITEX Corporation and SLI, Inc. v. Saul Yarmark; Stephen Friedland; Business Exchange International Corp., and BX International. We represented plaintiff, a public company, in litigation arising from the disputed acquisition of a 50 percent stake in a privately held competitor. We recovered judgment along with an award of damages to compensate our client for attorney fees and court costs. The case was then settled on appeal.

Tags Litigation

Representation of vessel owner in litigation with shipyard arising from conversion of vessel from oil industry support vessel to factory trawler, resulting in judgment for owner for costs of repairs, costs, and attorney’s fees.
