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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Admiralty & Maritime

Prepared bareboat charters and purchase and sale agreement and handled closing for eight-figure vessel charter and sale.

Real Estate & Construction

Developed form of ground lease for public university client in advance of RFP to develop commercial property.

Data Breach

Assisted nonprofit with an identity theft hacker intrusion on its human resources database. We drafted a data breach response process and developed a press release.

Insurance Recovery

Major builder’s risk insurance recovery for new Oregon data center. Successful litigation and mediated resolution of a project owner’s $8 million claim against its builder’s risk insurance carriers following two explosions and fires during the construction of a 250,000 sq. ft. data center in Washington County, Oregon. The builder’s risk insurers’ untimely and unreasonable claims adjustment resulted in zero payment to the project owner prior to Miller Nash’s involvement. Litigation involved extensive discovery of electronically stored information and depositions, in addition to summary judgment briefing and other motions. With the assistance of a mediator, the vast majority of the owner’s losses were recovered.

Prior to Joining Miller Nash LLP

Represented global banks in government investigations and class action litigations concerning purported violations of the antitrust laws related to various financial products.

Employment Litigation

Davidson v. UBS/Paine Webber, et al. The arbitration panel denied claimant’s claims and awarded our client damages on its counterclaim. The claimant, a former employee, asserted numerous claims, including employer retaliation for “whistleblowing” related to alleged violations of SEC regulations. Our client asserted a counterclaim for breach of contract.


Represented cannabis retailer in purchase of retail licenses and locations.

Real Estate & Construction

Represented developer in the acquisition and sale of solar projects.


Provided regulatory guidance with respect to marketing activities and event participation for cannabis companies and related intellectual property companies. Representation included review and guidance with regard to advertising content, use of social media, advertising placement, permitted events, permitted event locations, and permitted event activities.

Tags Cannabis
