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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases


Obtained summary judgment dismissing a $25 million wrongful death action.


Successfully resolved a negligence claim against a school district arising from an alleged student-on-student incident.


Regularly works with the City of Ferndale in connection with its capital projects to maintain and improve city infrastructure. Provides counsel on pre-project planning, pre-filing negotiations, ordinances authorizing eminent domain, final action requirements, eminent domain filings, and dispute resolution. Advised city or handled condemnation actions for the following city projects:

  • Washington Street, Main Street to Vista Drive ProjectRepresented City in a condemnation of property rights for a road-widening project. Case involved complex valuation issues and an adverse possession dispute. Settled at mediation for $120,000 less than the owner’s just compensation evidence. 
  • Thorton Street Overpass
  • Gateway Stormwater Improvement/Main Street LaBounty Drive Roundabout Project
  • Church Road
  • Main Street Improvement Project

Provided pre-condemnation and final action advice in connection with acquisition of right-of-way interests and construction easements necessary for the City of Federal Way’s Transportation Improvement Plan.


Provided pre-condemnation and final action advice on O&M Road Project and helped the City of Kennewick reach settlement in advance of filing an eminent domain petition.

Municipal Advice
Reviewed and revised municipal code based on intergovernmental agreement.
Municipal Advice

Provided general counsel advice to city council and staff during and outside of city council meetings as former city attorney for a small town. (Experience prior to joining Miller Nash)

Mergers and Acquisitions; Strategic Alliances (Prior to Joining Miller Nash)

Represented a private equity firm in its acquisition of a technology company.

Mergers and Acquisitions; Strategic Alliances (Prior to Joining Miller Nash)

Represented a storage facilities company in its acquisition of a competitor.
