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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

Real Estate

Ongoing representation of several national property management companies in their local commercial leasing and landlord-tenant disputes, having secured dozens of superior court judgments in favor of property owners.

Real Estate

Represented national restaurant chain in dispute with property owner and prevented an unlawful detainer judgment against the restaurant chain.

Real Estate

Represented land owners in suit against adjoining development over easement rights and obtained full summary judgment in favor of landowners.

Real Estate

Represented residential property owner against neighbors in adverse possession action with favorable mediated settlement.

Real Estate

Represented property co-owner in quiet title and protective order actions with favorable mediated settlement.

Qualified Plan Law Compliance

Assist plan sponsors to ensure that their plans remain qualified under Code Sections 401(a), 403(b), or 457(b). Advise with respect to all qualification requirements, including issues involving eligibility, vesting, contributions, benefit accruals, limits on contributions and benefits, distributions, participant loans, design-based safe harbors, and coverage and nondiscrimination testing. Help plan sponsors comply with ERISA, including advising plan fiduciaries regarding their fiduciary duties under ERISA, assisting plan administrators with ERISA's reporting and disclosure requirements, advising regarding the prohibited transaction rules, and ensuring fiduciary protection for participant-directed investments.

Purchases and Sales

Represented seller on sale of portfolio of four properties, including two shopping centers, a multi-family project, and store formerly leased to Fred Meyer.

Purchases and Sales

Represented buyer on acquisition of land in Polk County for development of vineyard.

Purchases and Sales

Represented seller on sale of 16 acres of vacant land to CarMax for development.
