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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases


Represented numerous parties in navigating regulatory issues involving ownership of cannabis-related businesses, including the structuring, drafting, and vetting of documents with regulators to effect future transfer of ownership interests.

Tags Cannabis

Assisted client in responding to regulatory inquiry regarding "true party of interest" matter. Successfully handled communication and factual background documentation, leading to "no-action" determination by agency.

Tags Cannabis

Assisted in successful petition to appoint a general receiver over cannabis producer/processor company, including handling of and interface with Washington State regulators regarding issues relating to receiverships of cannabis companies.

Tags Cannabis

Reviewed cannabis company website, product descriptions, and labels for compliance with Washington State law and potential U.S. Food & Drug Administration compliance issues.

Tags Cannabis

Provide continuous guidance and assistance to multiple cannabis companies in review of product labels and other descriptive information for compliance with Washington laws and regulations.

Tags Cannabis

Regularly provide guidance to clients relating to issues surrounding shipping, import, and export of hemp and hemp-derived CBD, including communications with the United States Postal Service.

Tags Cannabis

Provided regulatory guidance with respect to marketing activities and event participation for cannabis companies and related intellectual property companies. Representation included review and guidance with regard to advertising content, use of social media, advertising placement, permitted events, permitted event locations, and permitted event activities.

Tags Cannabis

Provide ongoing guidance to financial institutions considering expansion of services to cannabis-related businesses, including preparation of internal policies and procedures relating to provisions of services to cannabis industry participants and reviewing and revising cannabis-specific customer agreements and related documents.

Tags Cannabis

Provided regulatory guidance and advice to online service provider relating to software compliance platform and solution for financial institutions providing services to cannabis companies.

Tags Cannabis
