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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Right of Way/Eminent Domain

Successfully tried one of the first social-distanced pandemic jury trials in Washington over the condemnation of several permanent and temporary rights abutting the building frontage of one of the region’s largest airlines to allow the local transit authority to construct and operate its light rail project. The parties’ valuations were hundreds of thousands of dollars apart and the jury returned a verdict in our client’s favor. (12-Person Jury Trial)

Right of Way/Eminent Domain

Represented regional transit agency in a multi-day condemnation trial to acquire property rights needed to construct its light rail construction project. The trial involved a dispute over the highest and best use of the property and the court awarded just compensation matching the transit agency’s valuation evidence of more than $1 million less than owner’s just compensation. No fees or costs awarded to property owner. (Bench Trial)

Right of Way/Eminent Domain

Represented transit agency in a multi-week condemnation trial. The trial involved a dispute over whether or not the transit agency’s light rail station specially benefited the property due to its proximity and a recent upzone of the property. The jury determined the property was specially benefitted by light rail and returned verdict matching the transit agency’s valuation evidence and $1.4 million less than the owner’s valuation. No fees or costs awarded to property owner. (12-Person Jury Trial)

Right of Way/Eminent Domain

Represented transit agency in a multi-week condemnation trial. The trial involved a dispute over whether or not the transit agency’s light rail station specially benefited the adjacent property due to proximity. The jury determined the property was specially benefitted by light rail and returned a verdict that did not exceed the transit agency’s pretrial settlement offer. No fees or costs awarded to property owner. (12-Person Jury Trial)

Resolution of Highly Sensitive Issues
Assisted numerous clients in negotiating separation arrangements and agreements with high-level administrators and executives, and supporting successful executive transitions.
Resolution of Highly Sensitive Issues

Assisted client with the resolution of a highly sensitive legacy abuse claim.

Reported Appellate Decisions

Sound Transit v. WR-SRI, 191 Wn.2d 223 (2018) (Eminent domain authority)

Reported Appellate Decisions

Sound Transit v. Airport Investment, 186 Wn.2d 336 (2016) (Eminent domain valuation and statutory compliance)

Reported Appellate Decisions

King County v. Seawest, 141 Wn. App. 304 (2007) (Attorney's lien)

Tags Appellate
