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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases

Obtained jury verdict in favor of university in Multnomah County Court lawsuit brought by former student asserting breach of contract claims following dismissal from program for academic reasons.

    Healthcare Real Estate & Financing

    Represented a senior housing company to sell multiple senior living properties across Washington.

    Employment Disputes

    Obtained summary judgment for employer on all of employee’s claims that termination was in violation of various state discrimination statutes.


    Energy Permitting. Obtain local approvals to expand infrastructure for traditional energy companies.

    Employment Litigation

    Complete defense victory through Washington Court of Appeals in lawsuit filed by Division I coach asserting wrongful termination following dismissal for sexual harassment.

    Client Testimonials

    Ann Widmer, who sat on the Widmer Brothers Brewing Company's advisory committee and who was successfully dismissed after being sued for more than $8 million as an independent director in the Millicent Naito v. Sam Naito litigation, comments: "The experience, knowledge, and attention to detail that Denny brings to the table have consistently protected the interests of Widmer Brothers Brewing and the Widmer Brothers family."

    IP Litigation—Patent and Trade Secret

    Represented fishing equipment manufacturer in defending against claims of design patent infringement.

    Tags Patents
    Bankruptcy & Creditors’ Rights

    Represented secured creditor in seeking to affirm on appeal a receivership sale order that included an excise tax exemption. King County Superior Court granted the receiver an excise tax exemption on the sale of Clark County real estate, subject to the client’s judgment. The state appealed. The issue was whether the receiver’s sale was “upon execution of a judgment” under RCW 82.45.010(3)(j). Wrote response brief and offered oral argument on this issue of first impression. Court of Appeals reversed the exemption order in a published opinion.

    Bankruptcy & Creditors’ Rights

    Represented primary secured lender in bankruptcy of Chelsea Investment, Inc.
