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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

Admiralty & Maritime

Represented plaintiffs, defendants, and other interested parties in cases involving maritime attachments and arrests.

Admiralty & Maritime

Represented vessel charterer in personal injury case brought by injured seaman.

Admiralty & Maritime

Prepared bareboat charters and purchase and sale agreement and handled closing for eight-figure vessel charter and sale.

Admiralty & Maritime

Served as local correspondent for international P&I Clubs and coordinated local response to admiralty claims involving collisions, allisions, longshore and crew injuries, pollution, cargo damage, and other maritime claims.

Admiralty & Maritime

Represented yacht owner against vessel repair yard in breach of contract and fraud claim and obtained unanimous jury verdict in favor of yacht owner.

Admiralty & Maritime

Represented bunker-fuel supply company in arrest of vessel for non-payment.

Admiralty & Maritime

Represented vessel owner against vessel repair yard in breach of contract claim for faulty repair.

Administrative Law

Public Records Counsel. Successfully compelled production of public records and blocked the release of confidential records requested under Oregon’s public records laws. Represented clients at all levels of public records disputes, including within the custodian public body, before the district attorney and attorney general, and in court. Developed deep knowledge of Oregon public records laws and strategies to encourage or discourage the release of records.

Administrative Law

Oregon Administrative Law Counsel. Represented clients in a diversity of matters before Oregon administrative agencies, including the Oregon Agriculture Department, Construction Contractors Board, Department of Administrative Services, Department of Energy, Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Department of Land Conservation and Development, Department of Transportation, Environmental Quality Commission, Forestry Department, Land Use Board of Appeals, Liquor Control Commission, Office of Administrative Hearings, Parks and Recreation Department, State Athletic Commission, State Lottery, and Water Resources Department.
