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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Banking & Financial Institutions

Successfully formed bank holding companies (with regulatory approval from the Federal Reserve) for multiple community banks and closely held family organizations.

Banking & Financial Institutions

Regularly negotiates complex vendor contracts in light of the expectations of the various bank regulators, with a focus on financial technology providers, core processors, and other SaaS platforms.

Banking & Financial Institutions

Helped facilitate partnerships with emerging fintech companies by addressing matters involving permissible investments, joint ventures, and regulatory notifications and approvals.

Banking & Financial Institutions

Always “on call” to answer general operational questions, including those involving deposit accounts, funds transfers (e.g., wires, ACH transactions, etc.), and other common financial products and services.

Banking & Financial Institutions

Worked with banks and credit unions to review and revise client-facing documentation to make client onboarding and client service more enjoyable, including review of treasury management documents and forms, deposit account agreements, and similar documentation.

Arbitrations & Administrative Hearings

Successfully represented clients in grievance arbitrations over discipline, discharge, and collective bargaining agreement disputes.

Arbitrations & Administrative Hearings

Successfully represented clients in Unfair Labor Practice cases before the Oregon Employment Relations Board (ERB) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Arbitrations & Administrative Hearings

For public and private employers, arbitrated grievance disputes involving discharges, lesser forms of discipline, unsatisfactory work performance, contract violations, duties and assignments, and wages and benefits. Public sector work includes interest arbitrations. Handled numerous unfair labor practice proceeding for public and private employers, involving issues such as arbitrability, deferral, blocking charges, interference, discrimination, bad faith bargaining, unilateral changes, and contract violations.

Arbitration Matters

Arbitrated six-figure commercial distribution dispute about contractual duties and record-keeping. Award issued following full-day Zoom hearing and review of voluminous spreadsheets and financial records.
