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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Class Action Litigation

Represented a software company in a putative class action in federal court asserting claims under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

Civil Rights & Student Litigation

Coauthored amicus brief in Doe v. Medford School District, addressing public-entity rights as property owner and employer and state statutes concerning concealed weapons.

Civil Rights & Student Litigation

Dismissal and Ninth Circuit affirmance of Title IX and 42 USC § 1983 claims asserted against University and coach seeking to expand institutional responsibility to situations beyond control of institution.

Civil Rights & Student Litigation

Dismissal of federal court respondent Title IX litigation with claims of violations of Title IX, substantive and procedural due process, and breach of contract.

Tags Education
Civil Rights & Student Litigation

Obtained jury verdict in favor of university in Multnomah County Court lawsuit brought by former student asserting claims potentially infringing on institution’s discretion in academic matters.

Civil Rights & Student Litigation

Represented school district in religious freedom lawsuit brought through American Center of Law and Justice.

Civil Rights & Student Litigation

Represented school district in First Amendment claims arising out of threatening website brought through American Civil Liberties Union.

Civil Rights & Student Litigation

Summary judgment in favor of school district and administrators in student-athlete’s claims of constitutional procedural and substantive due process brought under Section 1983.

Civil Rights

Wasco County Voter Registration Hearings. When Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and his followers threatened to take over the government of Wasco County, Tom joined other Miller Nash lawyers in donating their time to take buses to The Dalles, Oregon, to hold voter qualification hearings for registered voters. Our efforts to protect the sanctity of the ballot box received national and international attention.
