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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Environmental & Natural Resources

Handles matters from large environmental portfolio concerning disputes arising from the environmental investigation and remediation of real property, from their inception to their conclusion, including those that result in litigation.


Negotiated with federal and state agencies regarding the scope and extent of the remedial investigation, feasibility, and cleanup at numerous contaminated sites, including sites with contaminated sediments and military munitions.


Negotiated on behalf of multiple clients with federal and state agencies and other potentially responsible parties regarding Superfund liability, including contribution and cost-recovery claims, and the scope and extent of the investigation and cleanup of contamination at federal Superfund sites. Worked with clients at the Portland Harbor and Lower Duwamish Superfund sites.


Defends clients against allegations of permit or environmental violations and negotiates settlements to allow continued operations and/or completion of important economic development projects.


Challenged overzealous application of ESA prohibitions by federal resource agencies and provided advice concerning reasonable and appropriate permit conditions to protect and promote the survival of all threatened and endangered species.


Evaluated and defended NRD claims brought by federal, state, and tribal trustees and negotiated financial and restoration-based settlements with NRD trustees. Worked on NRD claims at the Portland Harbor and Lower Duwamish Superfund sites.


Aggressively pursues available insurance coverage for the investigation and cleanup of contaminated sites and assessment and remediation of Natural Resource Damages under historical comprehensive general liability or excess liability policies, as well as environmental impairment liability policies.


Defends against citizen suits or threatened citizen suits alleging liability for violation of state-issued industrial stormwater permits and other violations of federal environmental statutes.


Represented a transportation services company in response to Washington State Department of Ecology demands that it obtain an industrial stormwater general permit. This also included negotiating reasonable improvements at the facility to obtain a no-exposure certification.
