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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Environmental & Natural Resources

Represents major energy company related to claims for response costs and natural resource damages at the Portland Harbor Superfund Site.

Tags Oil & Gas
Environmental & Natural Resources

Provide legal advice to major energy companies related to environmental remediation projects under local and state regulatory agency oversight.

Tags Oil & Gas
Environmental & Natural Resources

Defended corporate clients and property owners against governmental enforcement actions, including administrative compliance orders, information requests, and cleanup and abatement orders.

Environmental & Natural Resources

Advised corporate clients on a range of environmental compliance and permitting issues, including those pertaining to solid and hazardous waste management, air and water quality, and stormwater management.

Environmental & Natural Resources

Represented clients in matters involving various topics of environmental law, including CERCLA, RCRA and the Porter-Cologne and Hazardous Substance Account Act.

Environmental & Natural Resources

Represented retail client with negotiating resolution of alleged hazardous waste violations asserted by federal and state enforcement agencies.

Environmental & Natural Resources

Represented clients with respect to project development and management of Supplemental Environmental Projects pursuant to Consent Agreement and Final Orders with U.S. EPA.

Environmental & Natural Resources

Represents large energy company related to claims for response costs and natural resource damages at the Portland Harbor Superfund Site.

Environmental & Natural Resources

Represented major corporation in defending against government entity’s environmental claims associated with historic petroleum operations in the vicinity of a former pier in northern California.
