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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Business Structure & Taxation

Assisted client with becoming compliant with its B&O tax obligations and with negotiating payment of back taxes.

Tags Tax
Business Structure & Taxation

Successfully represented multistate client before multiple levels of state courts in an appeal of a state corporate income tax assessment. Case involved complex issues related to apportionment of income, administrative procedure, statutory and regulatory interpretation, and constitutional limits on state taxation.

Tags Tax
Business Structure & Taxation

Reviewed fund documents for foundation client’s investments in multiple private equity funds.

Business Structure & Taxation

Prepared and negotiated documents required to organize private investment partnership in multi-property portfolio.

Business Structure & Taxation

Reviewed documents related to client’s investment in venture capital fund to evaluate legal risks. Negotiated side letter protecting client’s interests.

Business Litigation

Represented executive in a high-profile lawsuit brought by former employer, asserting claims that our client misappropriated trade secrets, violated fiduciary duties, and breached contractual obligations. Mike acted as lead counsel for our client in a six-day pretrial evidentiary hearing of the former employer's motion for terminating sanctions based on allegations that our client had knowingly destroyed relevant evidence. The court rejected the allegations, finding that our client was a credible witness who did not violate a duty to preserve evidence, did not act in bad faith, and did not engage in conduct that prejudiced the former employer. As trial approached, the court granted a number of summary judgment and evidentiary motions that significantly limited the scope and value of plaintiffs’ claims. On what would have been the first day of trial, the parties were able to reach an amicable resolution that terminated the case.

Business Litigation

Represented managing member of limited liability company in dispute with former member involving business valuation and claims for breach of contract and usurpation of corporate opportunity.

Tags Litigation
Business Litigation

Represented numerous businesses in breach of contract and business tort claims.

Tags Litigation
Business Litigation

Defended franchisee against claims by state attorney general that it engaged in unlawful trade practices. Engaged in extensive negotiations with the attorney general that ultimately resulted in resolution of claims without litigation; handled related insurance coverage issues.

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